Born on 3th March 1993
I am 16 years old
Young at heart although i am rather old-looking.
I am from y-hope, nea2.
my email
i ♥ God.
Saturday, March 25, 200612:17:00 PM
FeeL sHo BorEd!! GoT sIck Of MaPle!! ++ CopyCats!! N some1 Who T0ld mE TO SHUDDUP!!! SHE got AP lorhs!! ShE TiNkS She Draw ShO weLL arhs!..And ThE WaY ShE SaY My Fren's DrawIng was LikE sOo Rude!! BuT Its lyK "AS IF"!!... Who CaReS AnYwAyZ!!.. I wiLL Nvr WaNa TaLk to Her Eva agaIn!!!.. i thOuGhT sHe WaS OkaY At FiRsT.. DiDen KnOw ShEs Got AP!! stIll CaNt ForGet wad She said the OtHer Day !!.. SoO RuDE!! Nvm~ 2 Fs! ForGive N Forget!! i will not tink bout tis anymore!!!~ Hmm... ForGet It bahs!!.. BuT!! 108 rocks!!! BLEAHSS!! LAMERS ROCks ToO!! :) Ap = Attitude Prob! |
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Saturday, March 11, 200610:21:00 AM
LoNg TiMe No POsT Lia0s!!! Its Lyk Soo Long After PSLE lerhs!! Sec 1 life is sure tough!! But i Dun MiNd Cos 108 rocks!! ZCLassMatesz there are pretty friendly ... Haiya.. NoThiNg Much to say leiz!! 1o8 ppls who see tis must go webby tag!!! MuSt Go N TAG AR!! ITS A MUST WORHZX! kays bahs!.. GTG.. cya |
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