Saturday, May 21, 200511:12:00 AM
HaLo!!!!!NiCe To Be Back!!!!!!!I am soo hapi todaz as i am free!!!!!! The Xams is jus OvEr N i Am ExTrEmE Free!LuCkIly,Tat IdIoTic ChInEsE TeaCher DiD'tn GiVe ME Any HoMeWoRk! OtHeRwIsE, I wIlL Not HaVe Time To Go InTeRnEt LiAoz........................I am damm angry as i did'tn get first in class for ENGLISH n SCIENCE this term!!!!!!!!!!!I lost to the two idiot tat i name IDIOT B n IDIOT T.But it is not because i don admit tat i lost but the difference in our marks is only 2-3 points. Wat A waste!!!!!! Anyway,its only a Xam. I don have to go ANGRY for nothing rite?I WoNdEr WhAt I cAn Do FoR tHe JuNe HoLiDaY TaT iS ApPrOaChInG?MaYbE, i should post more entries during the june holiday.I tink tat is the best idea isn't it?Okie! -ALL THE BEST-