Dear Diary,
Hihi! This is Wenzhen... This is mI FIRST time writing an online diary. Sho, Qing DuO DuO ZhI jIao!!!(HeheH! CoS i Beri LouSY WAN!!!) >.<" Haha..
oKAy, HERE GOeS, TOdAY I hAd a dAmn DamN lOusY daY loR!! Mum kicked me in the butT and thRew mE oUttA houSe.. I got FinEd latEr on WhEn i FounD ouT thaT i HavE oUtdatEd bOokS at The LibrAry. -.-
aFteR thAt, i mEt JiE2 deN mEt ViviAn laTeR on!! BLEAH!!!@_@ She mEssEd up Mi WholE bOotiFul hoUse!! ThaTs Beri Bad Of hEr.. WaHahaA! I'm GonNa TakE mY RevEngE tmR!! Mi GonNa ThroW aNts On hEr liAoz... Kkz! Me GotTa go OrhOrhz liAoz.. Burbye!
Joythepink, (Zhizhujing's sista)